LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, in collaboration with the BERDE association, will compete for the Audience Award of the European Art Explora – Académie des beaux-arts 2022 Prize with its project Film & Vis-Ability.
From today October 27th until November 9th, you can vote for the Film & Vis-Ability project on the official website of The Art Explora:
Film & Vis-Ability is an innovative program focused on the individual that awakens and nurtures creative processes by developing the ability to tell stories through inspiration, observation and learning visual thinking.
The main objective is to offer learning dynamics, tools and training that empower, encourage and support artistic expression through creative writing and film for groups of people with intellectual diversity.
This initiative will produce a total of 51 short films that will subsequently be screened at the Gijón/Xixón International Film Festival in 2023, implementing innovative practices and dialogues.
The image accompanying this text corresponds to the installation “Frío estudio del desastre” (2005), a precise reconstruction of the moment of the explosion of a wall penetrated by a missile, which generates a strange scene in the eyes of the spectator. This work by the Cuban artists’ collective Los Carpinteros belongs to the Thyssen-Bornemisza Contemporary Art Collection (T-B A21).