
23 Erik Parker Psychodelic Chromatism

22 Tatiana Kourochkina Biodiversity, a reflection of nature in contemporary art

22 Tatiana Kourochkina Biodiversity, a reflection of nature in contemporary art

21 Okuda San Miguel's cultural diversity

20 Máxima Romero: Translating Sound into Intuitive Patterns

19 D. Loves The Sodomites: A long journey of introspection and self-knowledge.

Alejandra Castro Rioseco: One hundred percent woman.

18 Alejandra Castro Rioseco: One Hundred Percent Woman

portada revista 17

17 Guillermo Altadill: The Sea and the Divine

16 Carlos Aires: Art on all four sides

15 Rachel Valdés: Navigating Reflection

14 Isabel Muñoz: Focused on the human aspect

13 Pierre Louis Geldenhuys: creator of unknown emotions

12 Renata Fernandez: with an eye on the Tropics

11 Pedro Tyler and the unmeasurable

10 Lisi Prada: Art for Love

9 Angélica Dass: Humanae (Work in Progress)

8 Javier Mariscus: "Without artifice, with a sense of humor that fits through the eye of a needle".

7 María Ignacia Edwards: Replicating the Order of the Universe

6 Yoann Ximenes: The word became light

5 David Bowie: Collector of emotions

4 Henry Gonzalez: the lucidity of ice

3 Karina Sechi: A life full of color

2 Lidó Rico: The inquisitive view of oneself

1 Xavier G-Solís: The Restlessness of the Zapacoche

0 Rebeca Plana: In the Silhouette of the Sensory


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